On this realm, 25 players have earned Insane in the Membrane.
Character |
Guild |
Class |
Race |
Points |
Went Insane |
狂暴御便當 |
蕃茄 |
Mage |
Human |
8,635 |
2009-11-10 (WotLK)
阿布斯 |
加布林小窩 |
Druid |
Night Elf |
12,465 |
2009-12-07 (WotLK)
大辮子妹妹 |
Rogue |
Gnome |
13,395 |
2009-12-27 (WotLK)
Winnie |
紫月聖境 |
Priest |
Human |
10,610 |
2010-04-03 (WotLK)
栗栗真辛苦 |
none |
Paladin |
Human |
11,705 |
2010-04-28 (WotLK)
飄飄小哞哞 |
等一人的咖啡 |
Druid |
Tauren |
10,455 |
2010-07-31 (WotLK)
拉達曼提斯 |
涅 槃 |
Warlock |
Human |
10,660 |
2010-08-03 (WotLK)
巧魅 |
Neverland |
Priest |
Undead |
13,155 |
2010-09-05 (WotLK)
Ephiana |
新溫柔鄉 |
Warlock |
Blood Elf |
14,010 |
2010-09-09 (WotLK)
光詠 |
紙醉金迷 |
Shaman |
Dwarf |
11,065 |
2010-10-03 (WotLK)
今天教你一句 |
涅 槃 |
Priest |
Night Elf |
17,290 |
2010-10-29 (WotLK)
不渝 |
朝花夕拾 |
Paladin |
Human |
12,185 |
2010-11-20 (Cata)
Astrology |
紫月聖境 |
Hunter |
Night Elf |
16,805 |
2010-12-04 (Cata)
Leekt |
奧格瑪大使館 |
Paladin |
Dwarf |
10,995 |
2010-12-08 (Cata)
Rosemoon |
新溫柔鄉 |
Hunter |
Blood Elf |
15,970 |
2011-01-02 (Cata)
日落西界 |
涅 槃 |
Priest |
Human |
9,495 |
2011-02-05 (Cata)
阿拉雷斯火葉 |
In Other Words |
Priest |
Blood Elf |
13,405 |
2011-03-07 (Cata)
朵拉夫 |
加布林小窩 |
Paladin |
Dwarf |
15,320 |
2011-04-08 (Cata)
阿坎納茍斯 |
storm |
Mage |
Human |
12,005 |
2011-05-01 (Cata)
玩轉小喬 |
splendid life |
Shaman |
Troll |
11,420 |
2011-06-05 (Cata)
川猴 |
蟲蟲星球販賣部 |
Warlock |
Blood Elf |
12,435 |
2011-06-05 (Cata)
Kerafyrm |
新溫柔鄉 |
Death Knight |
Orc |
11,890 |
2011-06-26 (Cata)
Devil |
none |
Paladin |
Human |
13,525 |
2011-08-08 (Cata)
一血影一 |
小龍貓公館 |
Hunter |
Night Elf |
8,270 |
2011-08-30 (Cata)
聽不下去了 |
Neverland |
Paladin |
Blood Elf |
11,900 |
2011-12-12 (Cata)
If you know of a player that is not listed here, add them.
© 2012 Cal Henderson
Suggestions, comments, abuse etc. to cal@iamcal.com