Insanity Tracker /
Taiwan /
巴納札爾 (Balnazzar)
On this realm, 20 players have earned Insane in the Membrane.
Character |
Guild |
Class |
Race |
Points |
Went Insane |
法拉利阿貴仔 |
Nightwind |
Mage |
Human |
10,080 |
2009-06-12 (WotLK)
必死劍 |
巴納琉璃仙境 |
Warrior |
Human |
15,420 |
2009-10-18 (WotLK)
芬達廣告明星 |
Fanta Limited Company |
Paladin |
Human |
15,515 |
2009-12-31 (WotLK)
楓朔玥 |
聖堂碑文 |
Warlock |
Human |
15,530 |
2010-01-29 (WotLK)
Chroche |
墜星海 |
Rogue |
Human |
14,990 |
2010-03-01 (WotLK)
席拉爾斯 |
天下有情 |
Warrior |
Human |
14,955 |
2010-04-04 (WotLK)
Ambrea |
The Wanderer |
Rogue |
Goblin |
16,285 |
2010-06-07 (WotLK)
愛恨離散 |
The Wanderer |
Rogue |
Undead |
8,625 |
2010-07-04 (WotLK)
義和團二號 |
終點 |
Shaman |
Troll |
11,590 |
2010-08-09 (WotLK)
Sprider |
雙城 |
Warrior |
Human |
14,775 |
2010-11-21 (Cata)
一古妮雅一 |
The Dexterous |
Paladin |
Human |
10,855 |
2010-12-07 (Cata)
一劍光寒 |
Rogue |
Night Elf |
8,115 |
2011-03-12 (Cata)
伊索莉莎 |
墜星海 |
Druid |
Night Elf |
17,280 |
2011-05-08 (Cata)
一夜小雨 |
翡翠幻境 |
Rogue |
Human |
9,285 |
2011-10-15 (Cata)
一起玩阿魯巴 |
Warlock |
Human |
10,795 |
2011-11-05 (Cata)
漂亮妹 |
Hell Gate |
Paladin |
Draenei |
13,540 |
2011-12-04 (Cata)
葬曲 |
墜星海 |
Death Knight |
Human |
16,040 |
2012-01-06 (Cata)
戰帝 |
凱旋 |
Warrior |
Worgen |
16,565 |
2012-02-04 (Cata)
鬼盜船長 |
雙城 |
Rogue |
Night Elf |
15,205 |
2012-02-06 (Cata)
Danehill |
奈薩里奧之淚 |
Hunter |
Night Elf |
14,695 |
2012-02-08 (Cata)
If you know of a player that is not listed here, add them.
© 2012 Cal Henderson
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