Insanity Tracker / Europe / Frostwolf /


Realm rank: 2
EU rank: 155
World rank: 206
Scanned members: 371
Insane members: 5
View on Armory
Character Class Race Points Went Insane
Cloudy Paladin Human 11,510 (Unknown)
Nôrrec Warlock Gnome 19,575 (Unknown)
Munken Priest 13,720 2009-12-05 (WotLK)
Tittiana Paladin Human 18,935 2010-08-03 (WotLK)
Krusell Mage Gnome 15,010 2010-09-04 (WotLK)

If you know of a player that is not listed here, add them.

© 2012 Cal Henderson
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