Insanity Tracker / Europe /


Guild Insanes Realm Rank EU Rank World Rank
Darkside 1 0 0 0
Die Haxe des Bösen 1 0 0 0
Die Thronwache 1 0 0 0
In Memory of Flames 1 0 0 0
Hoffentlich Allianz 2 1 1089 1748
Sonnensturm 1 1 1089 1748
Lucas Orden 1 3 2644 4558
Yrmisuls Wächter 1 3 2644 4558
Sturm und Drang 1 3 2644 4558
Sternenwind 1 3 2644 4558
Emerald Nightmare 1 3 2644 4558
Sacred Sanctum 2 3 2644 4558
Play Out 1 3 2644 4558
Northrend after Midnight 1 3 2644 4558
Lux Aeterna 1 3 2644 4558
EVOLUTION 1 3 2644 4558
Indigo 1 3 2644 4558
Heldentum inc 1 3 2644 4558
Gamons Leibgarde 1 3 2644 4558
Flames of Azeroth 1 3 2644 4558
Extinction 1 3 2644 4558
euphoria 1 18 8879 16352
communis valida 1 18 8879 16352
Friends of WOW 2 18 8879 16352
On this realm, 24 guilds have earned Insane in the Membrane.
© 2012 Cal Henderson
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