Insanity Tracker / Europe / Черный Шрам (Blackscar) /


Realm rank: 3
EU rank: 54
World rank: 72
Scanned members: 190
Insane members: 7
View on Armory
Character Class Race Points Went Insane
Жуи Priest Draenei 22,210 (Unknown)
Злойлоки Rogue Human 13,255 (Unknown)
Снедок Druid Night Elf 18,480 (Unknown)
Маннорка Warlock Human 15,695 2009-10-03 (WotLK)
Безтемы Rogue Human 15,120 2010-10-11 (WotLK)
Мастербит Mage Gnome 13,615 2011-11-17 (Cata)
Нумг Rogue Night Elf 11,925 2012-02-11 (Cata)

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© 2012 Cal Henderson
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